September 2, 2009

Crazy Day!

We are still trying to put things back together after our (well, my) scrapbook room make over! The make over actually was a mini make over for the laundry room as well, as the wall between them moved, so my mess was double in size! It also halted our washing of laundry, for several days. Now I am so far behind!

I'm hoping to have a post up this weekend about the make over. Plus some fun giveaways in celebration of the make over! Woo Hoo!

My seasonal allergies are back. yeah. I am starting to wonder if my allergies are more the norm and I have seasonal non-allergies. :-)

Don't forget to visit Wine on the Keyboard to vote for you favorite photo!

Oh, yeah... By the way, we saved $72,000 + today. Tee Hehe! yeah. Sounds crazy! Well, really we got a call from our mortgage person, he hooked us up, and Ka Zamm! We refinanced! :-) Our monthly payments are a bit less, which helps immediately, however the overall picture of saving on interest is AMAZING! Sweetness!

On a sad note, one of my bestest friends, Tink, is moving. :( I have 3 really good friends. My husband, K, and Tink. I'm quite sad, and not sure how to process it yet. I have known for some time that she would be moving, however today I found out she was offered a job and is moving earlier than expected. Additionally, she is moving out of the country. I'm worried I will never see her again...

Anyhow. More later. I just wanted to quick update! G'night!


  1. I rushed right over to see the new room and now I have to wait more? *grins* That's ok. Yay on the refinance! You have such a lovely home.

  2. Katie -- Thanks!

    Sorry I have been so bad about getting photos up! My computer still has a full hard drive, and I can only up load a few photos at a time, put them up and then delete them. Yeah, not a great way to handle things, however with our crazy life lately, it is what I have :-)

    I will get the post up this weekend!!! I must, I must, I must!

  3. Wow, that's a pretty big update. Awesome on the house refinance and the scrapbook room makeover. And so sorry to hear about your friend moving away. That's hard. :(
