November 12, 2012

Lost in a Sea of Paper

I have been lost in the above, which if you remember, should look more like this beautifully organized art studio. It is sad. Yet, I did finish enough items for a craft fair, posted a bunch on Etsy, and have been helping Alan with his website (as it is "McRib Season").

I have also been prepping for Thanksgiving. Well, in prepping I mean thinking about what I need to buy and what parts of the house still need cleaned ;) I have found myself with a lovely cold/sinus infection. I could feel it coming on last week, however the last couple days have been brutal. I have made several broth soups and tonight Alan took me for Pho. This helped tremendously and I'm hoping does the trick.

I have a bunch of fun holiday posts in mind. I'm excited to start on those soon. What upcoming holiday crafts, scrapbooks, or projects will you be working on?

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