August 5, 2008

Tuesday Updates!

Wow! My life has been crazy lately. Here is a bit of what is going on!

  • I am in the process of applying to another position. It would be a super position... keeping my fingers crossed!
  • Our apartment lease was going to be up in October. We had been planning to move out at this time, as we had figured I would have a job, or be starting one soon, and we would be able to have a new place...With this not being the case, we signed on for an additional six months. I'm sad. I really wanted a house, however I know it will come. What is six more month?
  • If you were following my Twitter last week, you most likely noticed my conference planning is in full force! It is crazy and I'm overwhelmed. It is a great experience to be involved, but I'll be happy when it is over!
  • I went to Office Max yesterday to pick up a couple new dry erase markers. I have been saving my ink cartridges per my discovery, and thought this was the perfect time to use them. I went to Office Max only because of the $3.00 off. Well. in order to redeem the $3. off purchase in exchange for each ink cartridge, they now require one to sign up for their 'rewards' program which now and then sends out a newsletter, in which may have a coupon for one to use with recycling ink cartridges, allowing the $3.00 off. I ended up going to Target for the markers. I need another rewards card like I need more clutter. Ugh. Now I'm torn and frustrated. I still would like to recycle the cartridges. However whether Office Max gives me a discount on my purchase or not, I wonder if they are getting money for recycling them ? (wow...did that make sense? I re-read it, and it almost made my head explode) :-)
  • Today, I'm in the process of cleaning out our mini pantry. It seems though we have several food items, very few of the items go together to make a meal. Thus, I'm reorganizing and writing a grocery list to compliment what we already have!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. This is something I have been thinking about, are my old dreams still valid, if not what are my new dreams. I am just praying and moving along and hoping I figure out what God has planned soon.
