September 21, 2009

Family, friends, and a crazy life

Hello Monday! Before talking Monday, let's back up...

Thursday -- I traveled several hours to be at the hospital before my dad had surgery. I arrived around midnight.

Friday -- Got up at 4 am to get ready to go to the hospital for pre-op. My dad's surgery started at 8:30 am. Spent all morning in the waiting room, and then the afternoon and early evening just hanging out visiting with my dad and mom.

Saturday -- Came home and spent the day with my friend, K. We did some scrapbooking, and catching up.

Sunday -- Tried to catch up on my life. Spent time with husband, doing laundry, dishes, and general cleaning up around the house. Went for a walk around the lake with Husband and Dakota. It was a much needed break from life.

Today was okay, however work is super stressful. My to do list is a mile long and I have extra time. I enjoy being busy, however this, is, crazy.

Because of all the craziness, I have decided to extend my creative week giveaways once more. See full details here. Be sure to enter... I'm giving away a Freeze Frame, Photo Frame, Journal and Kohls reusable shopping bag! Please pass Creative Week information along! It would be fun to have a few more participants, plus I LOVE giving stuff away!

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