June 2, 2008

Monday, Monday

I have so much on my mind today! I feel I have so much to say but how to say it all! I'll start with a list and go from there...

  • Our apartment is a disaster! I have dishes, clothes, mail and random stuff everywhere!
  • We were on vacation for an entire week! It was amazing and I'm excited to share some photos with you!
  • Before the trip, we purchased the best tri pod ever!
  • Angie from SevEn cLoWn CirCuS suggested I elaborate on my love for Wii Fit! SUPER IDEA! Watch for it this week!
  • I'm starting to worry about this job thing. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying the freedom of being jobless, however I worry about the money aspect of things. I am sending a few more applications in this week, and I know it takes time, but I'm nervous!
  • I want to start doing Menu plan Mondays again.I need a push to plan ahead in groceries, trying to use what we have, and eat healthy!
  • My sister's bridal shower is in 2 weeks! I'm excited, but a little nervous as her mother in law to be already complained (and ruined the recipe surprise) that she "had" to bring a gift and food! Huh? If you check out the invite here... I asked folks to bring a recipe and if they wanted, one ingredient. Would you have been offended by this?
  • I have hundreds, yes hundreds of photos from our trip to upload, sort, make digital notes on, and store on our external hard drive. This is always a process!


  1. Some people just like to ruin surprises, not sure why. But it seems like it's always the same people that do it, so it surely can't be an accident. Sorry she ruined it for you, and no I don't think that's a big deal... especially since it was optional.

  2. I think meal planning is such a good idea. I need to do it more often.

    For my bridal shower everyone brought their favorite recipe. It was GREAT. I still have the recipes, and they have been greatly used.

  3. Just be glad she's not YOUR mother-in-law. :)

  4. Ha. Comment above me is lol funny! I love that shower idea. She is a party pooper!
