February 26, 2011

{one little word 2011} Week 9


Dear Alan:

Sometimes, appreciating a simple thing like when you clean the snow off the driveway, can be overlooked. I want you to know I love that you take care of the pesky white fluff. You have spent countless hours (just counting this winter) out in the cold, shoveling, scraping and moving the snow.  I'm not good at telling you that I appreciate what you do. I hope the hot cocoa filled with colorful marshmallows was a good hint.


Week One Post
Week Two Post 
Week Three Post 
Week 4 & 5
Week Six
Week 7 
Week 8

To see other One Little Word Challengers, visit One Little Word Captured - Week 9

PS: Forever Daisies is now on Facebook!

For the details on joining in, visit One Little Word | Captured.


  1. Hi Kimberly...just dropping by from SITS! I love your posts about "one word" and I love what you did with playing cards.

  2. Love this idea! And this one was a great ode to de husband.

  3. love this. very sweet!

  4. what a sweet post and great picture!
