March 12, 2011

{one little word 2011} Week 11

Playing outside with Dakota and Jaffery!

I am striving for {simple} in my life one step at a time. I have decided one step is all I can handle at any given moment. I have definitely identified what I would like my simple to look like, however the journey is long.

Part of my need for simple is my need for balance. I am completely failing at balance. I thought I had it down this last week, however in my quest, ended up with a cold/sinus infection. I'm miserable and now realize I must remember sleep in my mission to balance everything else.

I am a multitasker and perfectionist at heart. This makes the idea of simple an extra challenge. The multitasker in me wants to make everything perfect all at once. The perfectionist will not take a 1/2 @ss simple; it must be right or no point in doing it. It is like I'm watching the 2 fight it out till the death.

This coming week, my hope is to take one thing at a time, to get extra sleep and to enjoy playing with Dakota and Jaffery. The weather is warming up, thus even with the mounds of snow it is wonderful to be outside! Additionaly, it is Jaffery's adoption birthday tomorrow! I have a giveaway coming to help celebrate! I hope you visit again to check it out!

Week Two Post 
Week Three Post 
Week 4 & 5
Week Six
Week 7 
Week 8
Week 9
February Recap
Week 10 

To see other One Little Word Challengers, visit One Little Word Captured - Week 11

For the details on joining in, visit One Little Word | Captured.


  1. Sooo cute! They are loving the snow (and a lot more than I would :))
    Stopped over from Say Hi Sunday. Hope you are having a good weekend!

  2. What gorgeous fur babies, having so much fun in the snow! Hope you have more success this week with your quest for simplicity. I totally get the perfectionist inside you wanting your simplicity to be perfect!!
    Lisa xx

  3. oh i can sympathize. boy can i sympathize! i, too, am a multitasker and perfectionist all at once and it is wreaking havoc on my system. good luck this week. let us know how it goes. maybe i'll get some inspiration from you! (oh, and lovely shot, too!)

  4. I enjoyed reading your {simple} perspective and the photo captures the sentiment beautifully. Multitasker and perfectionist? Me too! But, I'm working on changing that :)

    Can you believe we're already at week 11? Thanks for linking up.

  5. I LOVE simple. We are striving for this also in our lives/family.

    I discovered recently that I believe perfectionism (I have this tendency as well) is simply striving for excellence taken to an unhealthy extreme. I believe if I can retrain my mind to think.... strive for EXCELLENCE, not perfect, I will no longer struggle so much with feeling defeated when perfect is not attained!!

    (Visiting from SITS #CommentHour)
