March 19, 2011

{one little word 2011} Week 12

 For much of this last week, I lived on the couch. On Monday-Tuesday it was bad enough I even got rid of the Mtn Dew.  The simple things suddenly became challenging. I still have itchy ears and a deep cough, but the flu is gone. Being ill wasn't great by any means, but it did force me to do one thing at a time. I had to focus, narrow in on singular tasks instead of juggling a dozen things at once. It has been nice. I am feeling a bit panicky being so behind at home and work, however I'm really trying to not push myself. I need to take things down a few notches before finding a new normal, a simple I am comfortable with.
Week Two Post 
Week Three Post 
Week 4 & 5
Week Six
Week 7 
Week 8
Week 9
February Recap
Week 10 
Week 11

To see other One Little Word Challengers, visit One Little Word Captured - Week 12

For the details on joining in, visit One Little Word | Captured.


  1. So many of us chase simple and yet so few of us catch it. Good luck with your butterfly net as you chase.

    Stopping by from SITS.

  2. Glad you are better now
    keep up the good work

  3. Glad you're feeling better. Good luck with finding a simple you're comfortable with. Simple was my word for 2 years and it took 2 years to find a simple that worked for me.

    Have a great day!

  4. I hope you are feelng much better now and that life s starting to return to normal. Simple is such a hard balance to find but so worth persevering.
    Lia xx
